01. nossos produtos

Produtos quentes

shenzhen jietong technology co., ltd. é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco no desenvolvimento, produção e vendas de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID).

4-port UHF RFID fixed channel reader
leitor de canal uhf 4 portas leitor de canal uhf 4 portas

jt-928 é um leitor fixo epc classe 1 gen2 uhf rfid de quatro portas. com tecnologia de ponta norte-americana, o 928 possui ótima taxa de estoque e taxa de leitura de tags. ele pode manipular tags em movimento, entretanto, alcançou com sucesso tags massivas e leitura intensa.

UHF Desktop RFID Reader
gravador leitor usb de desktop iso18000 6c uhf rfid gravador leitor usb de desktop iso18000 6c uhf rfid

jt-6210 uhf rfid desktop usb reader writer é dupla interface de comunicação usb, a entrada da porta serial à esquerda, a saída do teclado à direita.é estável para leitura e gravação de dados.fornecendo demo, sdk c +, c #, java etc

 Industrial Grade UHF RFID Reader
Leitor RFID de nível industrial JT-7100 UHF RFID Leitor RFID de nível industrial JT-7100 UHF RFID

JT-7100 é design industrial, resistente e durável, em linha com o ambiente de linha de produção industrial severo, o nível de proteção atinge ip66. rfuse chips proprietários de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de propriedade intelectual com algoritmo de reconhecimento de etiquetas de alto desempenho software de monitoramento inteligente do estado de trabalho, 24 horas X 365 dias de operação não trava. a tampa inferior é projetada para instalar peças de ferro,, o que é conveniente para instalação de ambiente de linha de produção industrial e instalação de leitor. tamanho pequeno e peso leve, fácil de integrar equipamentos de linha de produção industrial. suporte epcglobal UHF classe 1 gen 2 / etiqueta RFID ISO 18000-6C.

 Low Power UHF RFID Module
Módulo uhf rfid de baixa potência com alcance de leitura de 3m com leitura de multi-tags Módulo uhf rfid de baixa potência com alcance de leitura de 3m com leitura de multi-tags

O módulo de leitura / gravação jt-m2320 (m100 +) é um pequeno módulo de leitura / gravação de energia ultrabaixa baseado na plataforma magicrf m100. com direitos de propriedade intelectual independentes completos, a banda de frequência operacional padrão do leitor é de 902 mhz ~ 928 mhz, compatível com o protocolo iso18000-6c (epc c1 gen2). ele pode ser facilmente incorporado em terminais portáteis como tablets e pdas para realizar a função de expansão rfid de tais dispositivos e é amplamente utilizado em outros campos, como gerenciamento de logística, inspeção de qualidade de produto, gerenciamento de pessoal e assim por diante.

UHF RFID Gate Reader with Andorid Screen
leitor de porta rfid uhf branco iso18000 6c branco com tela do Android leitor de porta rfid uhf branco iso18000 6c branco com tela do Android

O leitor de porta rfid jt-923 é um dispositivo de porta uhf de alto desempenho, suporta o protocolo epc gen2 iso18000-6c, tem rs232, interface de comunicação rj45. é amplamente utilizado em controle de acesso, ambiente de atendimento.

UHF RFID middle range reader
JT-8380 0-5 metros UHF RFID leitor integrado JT-8380 0-5 metros UHF RFID leitor integrado

JT-8380 é uma nova geração de leitor de etiquetas de ultra alta frequência (UHF) desenvolvido por nossa empresa. compatível com o padrão FCC ISM (902~ 928mhz) ETSI (865.6~867.6 mhz)(cliente precisa ser personalizado), usado para ler e gravar tags eletrônicas ISO18000-6C (EPC C1 GEN2). JT-8380 fornece funções de API adequadas para aplicações específicas para facilitar o desenvolvimento secundário dos usuários. e interface de rede integrada, com software de gerenciamento e banco de dados, pode ser aplicado de maneira fácil e rápida à logística de armazenamento, vmi-hub,gerenciamento de paletes, gerenciamento de placa de fluxo, controle de peças de trabalho da linha de produção, controle de materiais, identificação, controle de acesso e outros campos.

UHF RFID reader module
Módulo RFID de 4 portas JT-M2540 TM200 UHF Módulo RFID de 4 portas JT-M2540 TM200 UHF

TM200 Módulo leitor RFID UHF , como um módulo de leitura/gravação de alta eficiência e baixo custo, possui direitos de propriedade intelectual independentes.funciona na frequência de 860mhz-868mhz ou 902mhz-928mhz. com antena de 8dbi, alcance de leitura pode ser de 10 m ou mais. é fácil e rápido construir um sistema RFID com fonte de alimentação e interface simples.

RFID reader module
Módulo HF RFID 13,56 MHz ISO14443A JT-1530 
     Módulo HF RFID 13,56 MHz ISO14443A JT-1530

Distância de leitura de 0 a 3 cm; trabalhando em 13,56 MHz, protocolo ISO14443A, DC 5V


sempre um passo a mais!

Shenzhen Jietong technology Co., Ltd é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco em P&D, produção e vendas de hardware UHF RFID. A Jietong possui equipe própria de P&D, cujos engenheiros têm mais de 10 anos de experiência em P&D. A fim de fornecer o melhor serviço e produto ao cliente, a Jietong está em desenvolvimento contínuo para oferecer soluções completas para o projeto, serviço pós-venda e suporte tecnológico. A Jietong tem linhas de produtos principais que incluem  leitor de leitura multi-tags UHF RFID Impinj R2000/TM200 ,  leitor de leitura de etiqueta única UHF RFID ,  leitor UHF RFID de longo alcance ,  leitor UHF RFID de médio alcance ,  leitor/gravador de mesa RFID UHF ,  módulo leitor RFID UHF ,  UHF RFID Handheld Reader ,  UHF RFID antena ,  UHF RFID cartão  e Tag, etc., Jietong tem como princípio a supremacia dos usuários e depende de novas tecnologias e alta qualidade orientadas para o mercado, forneceremos a mais recente tecnologia, os melhores produtos, a competitividade e o serviço sincero aos nossos clientes. Nós nos estabelecemos como uma parte confiável, inovadora e confiável dos  negócios de seus clientes e fornecedores.


+86 18681515767


02. Porque escolher-nos

nossa vantagem

shenzhen jietong technology co. ltd., é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco em P&D, produção e comercialização de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID). profissional especial em leitor da série uhf rfid de internet das coisas. Jietong possui equipe própria de P&D, cujos engenheiros têm mais de 10 anos de experiência em P&D. a fim de fornecer o melhor serviço e produto ao cliente, a jietong está em constante desenvolvimento para oferecer solução completa para o projeto, serviço pós-venda e suporte de tecnologia.jietong tem linhas de produtos principais que incluem módulo rfid uhf, leitor portátil rfid, leitor rfid uhf, leitor rfid de gama média de estacionamento, leitor de controle de acesso uhf, antena uhf, cartões e tag uhf, etc.,jt uhf rfid reader já usado intensivamente na gestão de veículos, usando o ambiente também inclui gestão de pessoal para fábrica, gestão de peso para armazém, controle de acesso para armazém e veículo, gestão de roupas, gestão de logística de tabaco, gestão de biblioteca inteligente, gestão de identificação de linha de produção, ativos gestão etc.,Jietong tem o princípio da supremacia dos usuários e depende de novas tecnologias voltadas para o mercado e de alta qualidade, iremos fornecer a tecnologia mais recente, os melhores produtos, a competitividade, o serviço sincero aos nossos clientes.

  • profissionalprofissional

    a equipe de P&D tem mais de 10 anos de experiência;

  • produtosprodutos

    oferecer produtos de baixo custo, média e alta qualidade;

  • qualidadequalidade

    proteção de patente nacional para produto de marca própria

  • serviçoserviço

    2 anos de garantia e 3 anos de manutenção de custos;

nossa vantagem

03. casos de projeto


Esta página de solução ajuda os clientes a resolver o problema de instalação e gerenciamento de aplicativos usando os produtos da Jietong Technology. Estão incluídos: Gestão de veículos Gerenciamento de sistema pessoal UHF Gestão da linha de produção Gestao de logistica Gestão de ativos Gerenciamento de armazenagem Veículos de saneamento ambiental gerenciam Gerenciamento inteligente de estantes

  • Motorcycle Positioning Management

    In order to regulate the parking of shared electric vehicles, strengthen the supervision and management of shared electric vehicles, reduce the management cost of operation and mai...

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    Motorcycle Positioning Management
  • gestão de veículos

    gestão de veículoscom o desenvolvimento terapêutico da economia chinesa, os padrões de vida das pessoas estão aumentando; a propriedade total do carro também começou a crescer rapi...

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    gestão de veículos
  • gerenciamento pessoal

    uhf rfid pessoal managementsystem>> visão geral do sistemaO sistema de gestão de pessoal de cartão de longa distância é o moderno sistema de gestão de pessoal com a combinação da t...

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    gerenciamento pessoal
  • gestão da linha de produção

    gestão da linha de produçãopara produzir produtos de melhor qualidade, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz os custos de produção e atende aos requisitos da ISO9000, os fabricantes acompanh...

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    gestão da linha de produção
  • gestao de logistica

    gerenciamento de orientação de trilhos agvcom o nível de fabricação e o aumento da demanda dos clientes, uma variedade de sistemas de logística estão enfrentando muitos desafios, c...

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    gestao de logistica
  • gestão de ativos

    sistema de gestão de rfid de ativosVisão geral do sistemaa forma de implementar manualmente a gestão de ativos incluindo o aumento, distribuição, armazenamento, eliminação, etc. de...

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    gestão de ativos

04. eventos

últimas notícias

shenzhen jietong technology co., ltd. é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco no desenvolvimento, produção e vendas de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID).

Revolutionizing Bank Warehouses: The Power of RFID Technology
Revolutionizing Bank Warehouses: The Power of RFID Technology

With the rapid development of the financial industry and continuous advancements in information technology, banking management methods are also constantly being updated and optimized. In terms of warehouse management, traditional manual management methods can no longer meet the needs of modern banks. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology-based intelligent warehouse management systems have emerged, becoming an essential means to enhance management efficiency and security. RFID technology uses radio waves to transmit information, enabling the automatic identification and data exchange of items. The system mainly consists of RFID tags, readers, antennas, and data processing systems. Each item stored in the warehouse is attached with an RFID tag, which contains a tiny chip and antenna capable of storing relevant information about the item, such as item number, storage location, and entry time. When items enter or exit the warehouse, RFID readers installed at entry points or on shelves emit radio waves that activate the chips in the RFID tags and read the stored information. The readers then transmit the collected tag information to the backend data processing system for real-time updates and records. The data processing system analyzes and processes the received information, displaying the results on the management interface for staff to view and manage. Compared to traditional manual management, RFID technology-based intelligent warehouse management systems have significant advantages. First, RFID systems can achieve automatic collection and updating of item information, greatly reducing manual operations and improving work efficiency. Secondly, through RFID technology, managers can monitor the status and location of items in the warehouse in real-time, quickly locating and retrieving needed items, thereby reducing the risk of item loss and misplacement. Additionally, RFID systems can monitor the entry and exit of items in real-time, automatically recording each operation to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering and exiting freely, thus enhancing warehouse security management. RFID systems also accurately record detailed information about each item, ensuring data accuracy and integrity. Moreover, all operation records can be traced, facilitating audits and inquiries. Although the initial investment in RFID systems is relatively high, their automation and efficiency can significantly reduce labor costs and management expenses, making them economically beneficial in the long run. RFID technology-based intelligent warehouse management systems not only improve work efficiency and security but also provide strong support for banks' refined management. As RFID technology continues to develop and be applied, these intelligent management systems are expected to play an important role in more fields, driving innovation and development in banking management methods. In the future, with the further integration of the Internet of Things and bi...

July 25, 2024
Revolutionizing Industrial Internet: The Power of LF RFID Technology
Revolutionizing Industrial Internet: The Power of LF RFID Technology

Revolutionizing Industrial Internet: The Power of LF RFID Technology With the rapid development of the Industrial Internet, low-frequency RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has been increasingly applied in industrial fields. Low-frequency RFID technology mainly operates in the frequency band of 30 kHz to 300 kHz, offering advantages such as strong penetration, robust anti-interference capabilities, and suitability for metal environments. This article will introduce the working principle of low-frequency RFID technology and demonstrate its prac tical application in the Industrial Internet through a specific project case.

July 11, 2024
Smart Trash Bins: How RFID Tech is Revolutionizing Waste Data Collection!
Smart Trash Bins: How RFID Tech is Revolutionizing Waste Data Collection!

With the high attention to environmental protection, the importance of environmental protection can be imagined, not only can coordinate the relationship between human beings and the environment to protect our living environment, but also can guarantee the sustainable development of the economy. The rapid development of urban construction, the handling of the environment has been plagued by a lot of management, the number and distribution of environmental health facilities, the number of times the garbage collection of the implementation of security, garbage production day to day to ensure that the garbage in a timely manner, timely transfer, timely scheduling and so on will become an important part of the supervision of the health hearing. Environmental protection work mainly using RFID technology to collect the information of each part, the establishment of intelligent sanitation platform to help the development of smart cities, RFID technology has become an important helper in the collection of intelligent sanitation garbage can data. Due to the number of garbage sanitation facilities, widely distributed, can not do accurate, real-time grasp; city garbage cans garbage accumulation situation is serious, public places can not accurately grasp the situation, for the relevant personnel's work task implementation efficiency and quality can not be timely understanding; sanitation vehicle status information can not be obtained in real time, can not put an end to the collection of not according to the specified routes clearing, speeding operations and other problems; can not ensure that the garbage timely transit, timely scheduling and many other problems plagued by RFID technology has become an important helper in data collection for intelligent sanitation garbage cans, as many problems such as timely transfer, timely scheduling and so on are troubling the managers. Garbage transportation supervision is through the internal installation of UHF RFID read-write on the garbage truck, and press the UHF RFID tag on the garbage bin. When a garbage truck began to load and unload garbage, the garbage truck on the RFID read-write will read to be operated on the garbage bins RFID tags. Installation of RFID read-write equipment in each neighborhood sanitation station to collect the RFID tags installed on the garbage cans, RFID tags bound to the garbage cans in the location of the details of the location, in the clearing path of the key position, the installation of geographic location tags, the sanitation department in the passing, through the tag information reading, access to the location of the information and facilitate the system to carry out the optimal planning of the route. Installation of UHF integrated read-write in the sanitation vehicle responsible for garbage removal and transportation, the UHF RFID read-write is installed in the sanitation vehicle, which can read the electronic tags on each garbage can or garbage hopper, and is used to count the w...

July 05, 2024
Unveiling Hidden Flaws: Chipless RFID Sensors for Metal Crack Detection
Unveiling Hidden Flaws: Chipless RFID Sensors for Metal Crack Detection

Introduction In the industrial sector, the integrity of metal structures is paramount. Regular inspections to detect cracks in metals are essential to ensure safety and reliability. However, traditional detection methods are often complex and costly. Thus, developing a simple, cost-effective, and efficient detection technology is crucial. Chipless RFID sensors, with their unique design and superior performance, present an ideal solution. Working Principle Chipless RFID sensors detect the width and depth of metal cracks through the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the cracks. The fundamental principle is as follows: Antenna Design: The chipless RFID sensor primarily consists of a passive antenna designed in a specific geometric shape to respond to electromagnetic waves of a particular frequency. The antenna design is critical as it determines the sensor's sensitivity and detection accuracy. Electromagnetic Wave Emission and Reflection: When electromagnetic waves are emitted onto the metal surface, part of the wave is reflected by the crack while the other part continues to propagate. The chipless RFID antenna receives the reflected wave and determines the presence and characteristics of the crack based on the changes in the reflected wave. Signal Analysis: By analyzing the amplitude and phase changes of the reflected signal, the width and depth of the crack can be inferred. Specifically, the crack causes a change in the path of the electromagnetic wave, altering the characteristics of the received signal. These changes can be decoded using signal processing techniques to determine the geometric parameters of the crack. Data Processing: The received signal is transmitted to a data processing unit via an RFID reader. The data processing unit uses specific algorithms to analyze and process the signal, ultimately outputting the width and depth information of the crack. Advantages Chipless RFID sensors offer several significant advantages in metal crack detection: Low Cost: The absence of chips and complex electronic components significantly reduces manufacturing costs. High Sensitivity: Precise antenna design and efficient signal processing algorithms enable the sensor to detect extremely fine cracks. Non-Contact Detection: The electromagnetic wave detection method does not require direct contact with the metal surface, making it suitable for various complex environments. Real-Time Detection: The sensor can quickly respond, providing real-time crack detection and monitoring. Application Prospects Chipless RFID sensors have broad application prospects in aerospace, shipbuilding, bridge engineering, and other fields. They can be used for routine maintenance and safety inspections, enhancing the reliability and safety of equipment and structures. Additionally, as technology advances, the detection accuracy and application range of chipless RFID sensors will further expand, making them an essential tool for metal crack detection. Conclusion Chipl...

June 21, 2024
Stitching the Future: RFID Automation in Clothing Production
Stitching the Future: RFID Automation in Clothing Production

As the clothing production industry develops rapidly, the demand for production efficiency and management precision is increasing. Traditional manual inspection and management methods can no longer meet the needs of modern production. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, an efficient and accurate automatic identification technology, plays a crucial role in the automation of clothing production. The application of RFID technology in the detection of boxed clothing information has multiple advantages, including improving efficiency, reducing errors, lowering costs, and achieving real-time monitoring and tracking. RFID technology can significantly improve efficiency. Traditional manual inspections are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. RFID technology can quickly read a large number of tags in a short time, greatly enhancing the efficiency of information detection. With an automated RFID system, one operator can handle multiple boxes simultaneously, significantly reducing production and shipping times. Additionally, RFID technology reduces errors. Manual operations inevitably result in oversights and mistakes, especially when handling large volumes of clothing information. RFID tags, with their uniqueness and high accuracy, effectively reduce human errors, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data. Although the initial investment in an RFID system is high, its efficiency and accuracy can significantly lower long-term operational costs. Automation reduces the need for a large workforce, thereby cutting labor costs and training expenses. RFID technology also enables real-time monitoring and tracking. RFID systems can record and monitor the status and location of each tag in real-time. By integrating the RFID system with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, real-time monitoring and tracking of the entire production process can be achieved, enhancing supply chain visibility and management. In the clothing production process, each garment is attached with an RFID tag, which contains basic information about the product, such as model, color, and size. After the RFID tags are created, they are attached to finished products or packaging boxes using specialized equipment. At key points on the production line, such as quality inspection, packaging, and warehousing, RFID readers are installed. The readers communicate with the RFID tags via radio waves, read the information on the tags, and transmit it to the central control system for verification. The system automatically compares the tag information with the production plan to ensure the accuracy of the product information. In warehouses and distribution centers, RFID technology also plays an important role. Automated sorting systems read the RFID tag information on each box, automatically identifying the types and quantities of clothing in the boxes and sorting and packing them according to the predetermined distribution plan, avoiding the errors and inefficiencies o...

July 19, 2024
Unlocking Efficiency: The RFID Reader's Role in Supply Chain Optimization
Unlocking Efficiency: The RFID Reader's Role in Supply Chain Optimization

Enhancing Efficiency and Monitoring in the Water Industry With the continuous development of information technology, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is becoming increasingly widespread in various fields, including the water industry. RFID technology uses wireless radio-frequency signals to identify objects and transmit data, providing new solutions for informationization and intelligence in the water industry. This article explores the application of RFID technology in the water industry, including its working principle, advantages, and specific application cases. 1. Working Principle of RFID Technology RFID technology consists of three main components: tags, readers, and backend systems. Tags are the objects to be identified in the RFID system, containing a chip and antenna for receiving and transmitting radio-frequency signals. Readers are devices used to communicate with tags by sending and receiving radio-frequency signals. The backend system processes and manages RFID data. The working principle of RFID technology is as follows: The reader sends out radio-frequency signals. Tags receive the signals and become activated. Activated tags respond to the reader with their unique identification code. The reader receives and decodes the response. The backend system receives and processes the data transmitted by the reader. 2. Advantages of RFID Technology in Water Informationization and Intelligence RFID technology offers several advantages for informationization and intelligence in the water industry: Automatic Identification: RFID technology enables automatic identification of water equipment, pipelines, and other assets without manual intervention. Real-time Monitoring: RFID tags allow real-time monitoring of the operational status, location, and usage of water equipment, supporting equipment maintenance and management. Data Traceability: RFID technology records the usage history and maintenance records of water equipment, enabling full lifecycle traceability. Improved Efficiency: RFID technology’s automation and real-time capabilities improve operational efficiency and management levels in the water industry. 3. Specific Application Cases of RFID Technology in the Water Industry Specific applications of RFID technology in the water industry include: Equipment Management: RFID technology is used for identification and management of water equipment, enabling automated identification and tracking management. Asset Management: RFID tags on water equipment facilitate real-time monitoring and management of assets, preventing asset loss and damage. Pipeline Monitoring: RFID technology monitors and tracks water pipelines, providing real-time information on pipeline usage and operational status to enhance pipeline network efficiency. Water Meter Reading: RFID technology enables smart management of water meters, providing real-time monitoring and reading of water usage for customers. In conclusion, RFID technology plays a crucial role in...

May 24, 2024

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