01. nossos produtos

Produtos quentes

shenzhen jietong technology co., ltd. é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco no desenvolvimento, produção e vendas de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID).

4-port UHF RFID fixed channel reader
leitor de canal uhf 4 portas leitor de canal uhf 4 portas

jt-928 é um leitor fixo epc classe 1 gen2 uhf rfid de quatro portas. com tecnologia de ponta norte-americana, o 928 possui ótima taxa de estoque e taxa de leitura de tags. ele pode manipular tags em movimento, entretanto, alcançou com sucesso tags massivas e leitura intensa.

UHF Desktop RFID Reader
gravador leitor usb de desktop iso18000 6c uhf rfid gravador leitor usb de desktop iso18000 6c uhf rfid

jt-6210 uhf rfid desktop usb reader writer é dupla interface de comunicação usb, a entrada da porta serial à esquerda, a saída do teclado à direita.é estável para leitura e gravação de dados.fornecendo demo, sdk c +, c #, java etc

 Industrial Grade UHF RFID Reader
Leitor RFID de nível industrial JT-7100 UHF RFID Leitor RFID de nível industrial JT-7100 UHF RFID

JT-7100 é design industrial, resistente e durável, em linha com o ambiente de linha de produção industrial severo, o nível de proteção atinge ip66. rfuse chips proprietários de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de propriedade intelectual com algoritmo de reconhecimento de etiquetas de alto desempenho software de monitoramento inteligente do estado de trabalho, 24 horas X 365 dias de operação não trava. a tampa inferior é projetada para instalar peças de ferro,, o que é conveniente para instalação de ambiente de linha de produção industrial e instalação de leitor. tamanho pequeno e peso leve, fácil de integrar equipamentos de linha de produção industrial. suporte epcglobal UHF classe 1 gen 2 / etiqueta RFID ISO 18000-6C.

 Low Power UHF RFID Module
Módulo uhf rfid de baixa potência com alcance de leitura de 3m com leitura de multi-tags Módulo uhf rfid de baixa potência com alcance de leitura de 3m com leitura de multi-tags

O módulo de leitura / gravação jt-m2320 (m100 +) é um pequeno módulo de leitura / gravação de energia ultrabaixa baseado na plataforma magicrf m100. com direitos de propriedade intelectual independentes completos, a banda de frequência operacional padrão do leitor é de 902 mhz ~ 928 mhz, compatível com o protocolo iso18000-6c (epc c1 gen2). ele pode ser facilmente incorporado em terminais portáteis como tablets e pdas para realizar a função de expansão rfid de tais dispositivos e é amplamente utilizado em outros campos, como gerenciamento de logística, inspeção de qualidade de produto, gerenciamento de pessoal e assim por diante.

UHF RFID Gate Reader with Andorid Screen
leitor de porta rfid uhf branco iso18000 6c branco com tela do Android leitor de porta rfid uhf branco iso18000 6c branco com tela do Android

O leitor de porta rfid jt-923 é um dispositivo de porta uhf de alto desempenho, suporta o protocolo epc gen2 iso18000-6c, tem rs232, interface de comunicação rj45. é amplamente utilizado em controle de acesso, ambiente de atendimento.

UHF RFID middle range reader
JT-8380 0-5 metros UHF RFID leitor integrado JT-8380 0-5 metros UHF RFID leitor integrado

JT-8380 é uma nova geração de leitor de etiquetas de ultra alta frequência (UHF) desenvolvido por nossa empresa. compatível com o padrão FCC ISM (902~ 928mhz) ETSI (865.6~867.6 mhz)(cliente precisa ser personalizado), usado para ler e gravar tags eletrônicas ISO18000-6C (EPC C1 GEN2). JT-8380 fornece funções de API adequadas para aplicações específicas para facilitar o desenvolvimento secundário dos usuários. e interface de rede integrada, com software de gerenciamento e banco de dados, pode ser aplicado de maneira fácil e rápida à logística de armazenamento, vmi-hub,gerenciamento de paletes, gerenciamento de placa de fluxo, controle de peças de trabalho da linha de produção, controle de materiais, identificação, controle de acesso e outros campos.

UHF RFID reader module
Módulo RFID de 4 portas JT-M2540 TM200 UHF Módulo RFID de 4 portas JT-M2540 TM200 UHF

TM200 Módulo leitor RFID UHF , como um módulo de leitura/gravação de alta eficiência e baixo custo, possui direitos de propriedade intelectual independentes.funciona na frequência de 860mhz-868mhz ou 902mhz-928mhz. com antena de 8dbi, alcance de leitura pode ser de 10 m ou mais. é fácil e rápido construir um sistema RFID com fonte de alimentação e interface simples.

RFID reader module
Módulo HF RFID 13,56 MHz ISO14443A JT-1530 
     Módulo HF RFID 13,56 MHz ISO14443A JT-1530

Distância de leitura de 0 a 3 cm; trabalhando em 13,56 MHz, protocolo ISO14443A, DC 5V


sempre um passo a mais!

Shenzhen Jietong technology Co., Ltd é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco em P&D, produção e vendas de hardware UHF RFID. A Jietong possui equipe própria de P&D, cujos engenheiros têm mais de 10 anos de experiência em P&D. A fim de fornecer o melhor serviço e produto ao cliente, a Jietong está em desenvolvimento contínuo para oferecer soluções completas para o projeto, serviço pós-venda e suporte tecnológico. A Jietong tem linhas de produtos principais que incluem  leitor de leitura multi-tags UHF RFID Impinj R2000/TM200 ,  leitor de leitura de etiqueta única UHF RFID ,  leitor UHF RFID de longo alcance ,  leitor UHF RFID de médio alcance ,  leitor/gravador de mesa RFID UHF ,  módulo leitor RFID UHF ,  UHF RFID Handheld Reader ,  UHF RFID antena ,  UHF RFID cartão  e Tag, etc., Jietong tem como princípio a supremacia dos usuários e depende de novas tecnologias e alta qualidade orientadas para o mercado, forneceremos a mais recente tecnologia, os melhores produtos, a competitividade e o serviço sincero aos nossos clientes. Nós nos estabelecemos como uma parte confiável, inovadora e confiável dos  negócios de seus clientes e fornecedores.


+86 18681515767


02. Porque escolher-nos

nossa vantagem

shenzhen jietong technology co. ltd., é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco em P&D, produção e comercialização de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID). profissional especial em leitor da série uhf rfid de internet das coisas. Jietong possui equipe própria de P&D, cujos engenheiros têm mais de 10 anos de experiência em P&D. a fim de fornecer o melhor serviço e produto ao cliente, a jietong está em constante desenvolvimento para oferecer solução completa para o projeto, serviço pós-venda e suporte de tecnologia.jietong tem linhas de produtos principais que incluem módulo rfid uhf, leitor portátil rfid, leitor rfid uhf, leitor rfid de gama média de estacionamento, leitor de controle de acesso uhf, antena uhf, cartões e tag uhf, etc.,jt uhf rfid reader já usado intensivamente na gestão de veículos, usando o ambiente também inclui gestão de pessoal para fábrica, gestão de peso para armazém, controle de acesso para armazém e veículo, gestão de roupas, gestão de logística de tabaco, gestão de biblioteca inteligente, gestão de identificação de linha de produção, ativos gestão etc.,Jietong tem o princípio da supremacia dos usuários e depende de novas tecnologias voltadas para o mercado e de alta qualidade, iremos fornecer a tecnologia mais recente, os melhores produtos, a competitividade, o serviço sincero aos nossos clientes.

  • profissionalprofissional

    a equipe de P&D tem mais de 10 anos de experiência;

  • produtosprodutos

    oferecer produtos de baixo custo, média e alta qualidade;

  • qualidadequalidade

    proteção de patente nacional para produto de marca própria

  • serviçoserviço

    2 anos de garantia e 3 anos de manutenção de custos;

nossa vantagem

03. casos de projeto


Esta página de solução ajuda os clientes a resolver o problema de instalação e gerenciamento de aplicativos usando os produtos da Jietong Technology. Estão incluídos: Gestão de veículos Gerenciamento de sistema pessoal UHF Gestão da linha de produção Gestao de logistica Gestão de ativos Gerenciamento de armazenagem Veículos de saneamento ambiental gerenciam Gerenciamento inteligente de estantes

  • Motorcycle Positioning Management

    In order to regulate the parking of shared electric vehicles, strengthen the supervision and management of shared electric vehicles, reduce the management cost of operation and mai...

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    Motorcycle Positioning Management
  • gestão de veículos

    gestão de veículoscom o desenvolvimento terapêutico da economia chinesa, os padrões de vida das pessoas estão aumentando; a propriedade total do carro também começou a crescer rapi...

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    gestão de veículos
  • gerenciamento pessoal

    uhf rfid pessoal managementsystem>> visão geral do sistemaO sistema de gestão de pessoal de cartão de longa distância é o moderno sistema de gestão de pessoal com a combinação da t...

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    gerenciamento pessoal
  • gestão da linha de produção

    gestão da linha de produçãopara produzir produtos de melhor qualidade, ao mesmo tempo em que reduz os custos de produção e atende aos requisitos da ISO9000, os fabricantes acompanh...

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    gestão da linha de produção
  • gestao de logistica

    gerenciamento de orientação de trilhos agvcom o nível de fabricação e o aumento da demanda dos clientes, uma variedade de sistemas de logística estão enfrentando muitos desafios, c...

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    gestao de logistica
  • gestão de ativos

    sistema de gestão de rfid de ativosVisão geral do sistemaa forma de implementar manualmente a gestão de ativos incluindo o aumento, distribuição, armazenamento, eliminação, etc. de...

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    gestão de ativos

04. eventos

últimas notícias

shenzhen jietong technology co., ltd. é uma empresa de alta tecnologia com foco no desenvolvimento, produção e vendas de identificação por radiofrequência (RFID).

RFID-Based Safety Diagnosis and Warning Technology for Hazardous Chemicals
RFID-Based Safety Diagnosis and Warning Technology for Hazardous Chemicals

1. Real-time Monitoring of Hazardous Chemicals During Transportation The transportation of hazardous chemicals is a high-risk phase in their management. By attaching RFID tags to containers and combining them with sensors, the temperature, pressure, and other parameters of the chemicals during transportation can be monitored in real time. For instance, certain liquid hazardous chemicals are sensitive to temperature. If the temperature exceeds the safe range during transportation, the system will automatically send an alert through the RFID system to the control center, notifying operators to intervene and prevent accidents. This technology is particularly useful in the long-distance transportation of flammable, explosive, or toxic liquids, ensuring a safe and stable transportation environment and reducing the risk of leaks or explosions. 2. Monitoring and Warning in Hazardous Chemical Storage Hazardous chemical warehouses require strict control over environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. RFID technology, combined with sensors, allows 24/7 monitoring of the storage environment. For example, certain flammable gases must be stored in a controlled temperature and dry environment. RFID tags equipped with temperature and humidity sensors can automatically record and upload data. If the storage conditions become abnormal, the system will immediately issue a warning, enabling warehouse managers to respond quickly and prevent accidents. This feature significantly improves the efficiency of warehouse management and allows for data analysis to optimize storage conditions, preventing potential safety risks from accumulating. 3. Rapid Traceability After Accidents After an accident, the RFID system can quickly trace the source, transportation, and storage details of the involved hazardous chemicals, helping managers identify the cause of the accident promptly. For instance, in the event of a chemical leak at a factory, RFID records allow managers to immediately locate the relevant batch, type of chemicals, and personnel involved, thus identifying the source of the problem and taking appropriate measures to reduce the risk of secondary accidents. 4. Chemical Identification During Rescue Operations During emergency rescue operations, RFID technology can assist responders in quickly identifying the types of hazardous chemicals involved and assessing their danger. For example, at the scene of a fire, rescue personnel can use portable RFID readers to scan chemical containers and instantly retrieve relevant information. This helps them determine whether specific chemicals require special handling, enabling the most suitable rescue strategy and preventing further disasters due to incorrect handling. Challenges and Future Prospects of RFID Technology Although RFID has shown significant advantages in hazardous chemical management, challenges such as interference resistance, high-temperature endurance, and cost control remain. As IoT, cloud computing...

September 30, 2024
Streamlining Seed Cotton Warehouse Management with RFID Technology
Streamlining Seed Cotton Warehouse Management with RFID Technology

In modern agriculture, the efficiency of seed cotton management is crucial for increasing yield and reducing costs. With the advancement of information technology, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has gradually become an important tool in the management of seed cotton warehouses. This article will explore the working principle of RFID technology in seed cotton warehouse management and its advantages. Working Principle of RFID Technology An RFID system consists of three components: tags, readers, and backend management systems. In seed cotton management, RFID tags are typically attached or sewn onto each bale of cotton, with the tags containing microchips and antennas that store information about the cotton, such as origin, variety, weight, and entry time. When the seed cotton is transported to the warehouse, staff use RFID readers to scan the tags. The reader emits radio frequency signals, and the tags respond by transmitting the stored information. This process's real-time nature and automation greatly simplify warehouse management tasks. Data is transmitted in real time to the backend management system, allowing managers to immediately access detailed information about each bale of seed cotton in the warehouse. This quick information retrieval provides a reliable foundation for scheduling and managing the warehouse. Advantages of Using RFID Increased Efficiency Traditional seed cotton management often relies on manual recording and inspection, which is time-consuming and prone to errors. The introduction of RFID technology makes the processes of receiving, shipping, and inventory management much more efficient. Staff only need to bring the reader close to the tag to quickly obtain information, significantly reducing manual input time and thus greatly enhancing work efficiency. Real-Time Monitoring RFID technology enables real-time monitoring of the flow status of seed cotton. Managers can check the location, quantity, and related information of each bale at any time, which is crucial for preventing loss and ensuring inventory accuracy. Moreover, the system can issue alerts in case of anomalies, helping managers respond quickly. Accurate Data Management The accuracy of data management is significantly improved with RFID technology. Information for each bale of seed cotton can be automatically recorded, reducing errors that may occur during manual data entry. This not only enhances data reliability but also provides accurate foundations for subsequent analysis and decision-making. For instance, managers can analyze real-time data to understand sales conditions and inventory status, allowing for more reasonable procurement and sales planning. Enhanced Traceability In modern supply chains, traceability is increasingly important. RFID technology can document the entire flow process of seed cotton from the field to the warehouse, creating a complete traceability chain. This is vital for meeting market regulatory requirements, improvin...

September 29, 2024
Navigating the Waves: The Power of RFID in Ship Identity Recognition
Navigating the Waves: The Power of RFID in Ship Identity Recognition

With the rapid development of the global shipping industry, efficient and accurate identification of ship identities has become an important means to improve marine safety and management efficiency. Traditional identification methods such as manual verification and barcode scanning have shortcomings such as low efficiency and prone to errors, which are difficult to meet the needs of modern shipping. In this context, RFID (radio frequency identification) technology came into being and became an ideal solution for automatic identification of ship identities. This article will discuss in detail the working principle, cost considerations and advantages of RFID technology in automatic identification of ship identities in terms of accuracy and anti-interference. 1. Working principle of RFID technology The RFID system is mainly composed of RFID tags and RFID readers. Each ship is equipped with a unique RFID tag on its hull or other key parts, which stores the ship's identity information, including data such as ship name, registration number, type and owner. When the ship approaches a port, dock or monitoring area, the RFID reader installed at these locations will emit radio waves to activate the tag. After receiving the signal, the tag will send the stored information back to the reader via radio waves. The reader then transmits this information to the central system to facilitate real-time monitoring and management of the ship's identity. An important advantage of RFID technology is its contactless data exchange. This means that even if the ship moves at a faster speed, the reader can quickly and accurately obtain data, thereby greatly improving the efficiency of identification. Compared with traditional manual inspections, RFID systems can complete identification within seconds, significantly shortening the time for ships to enter and leave the port. 2. Cost considerations The application of RFID technology in automatic ship identification has significant cost-effectiveness, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Equipment cost: The manufacturing cost of RFID tags is relatively low, especially when purchased on a large scale, the cost can be further reduced. The tags are small in size, light in weight, easy to install, and can withstand the challenges of the marine environment. Maintenance cost: The RFID system is durable and the tags usually do not need to be replaced frequently, which reduces maintenance costs to a certain extent. Compared with traditional manual verification or barcode scanning, the RFID system significantly reduces human intervention, thereby reducing human resource expenditures. Efficiency improvement: The RFID system can quickly and accurately identify the identity of the ship, which improves the throughput of the port. This efficient processing capability not only shortens the time for ships to enter and leave the port, but also saves corresponding costs for port operations. 3. Accuracy and anti-interference advant...

September 18, 2024
RFID-Enabled Electronic Ear Tags for Livestock Monitoring
RFID-Enabled Electronic Ear Tags for Livestock Monitoring

In the modernization of livestock farming, effectively managing and monitoring livestock health, behavior, and location have become critical challenges for farm managers. With technological advancements, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been introduced into livestock farming, particularly through the application of RFID electronic ear tags, which further enable temperature measurement and positioning functions. The convenience and advantages of this technology make it an indispensable tool in the management of livestock. The Convenience and Advantages of RFID Technology Automation in Management: RFID technology significantly enhances the efficiency of farm management. Through the use of electronic ear tags, the identity, health status, breeding records, and movement history of livestock can be automatically recorded and managed, eliminating the tediousness and error rates of traditional manual records. Moreover, RFID systems allow for real-time monitoring, so managers do not need to personally inspect each animal but can instead read and analyze data remotely. Accuracy and Reliability: RFID tags are unique, and each ear tag contains a unique code embedded in the RFID chip, ensuring accurate identification of livestock. This avoids confusion or errors commonly seen in traditional manual records. Compared to barcodes and other identification methods, RFID technology is more resistant to interference and can function in harsh environments. Real-time Data and Traceability: With RFID technology, farm managers can obtain real-time information on each animal, and the data can be stored and processed through network systems. This not only facilitates real-time monitoring and management but also provides strong support for the traceability of the entire farming process. For instance, in the event of a disease outbreak or food safety issue, managers can quickly trace the health records and activity history of each animal and respond promptly. Long-distance Reading and Batch Management: Unlike traditional barcodes or visual recognition technologies, RFID allows for long-distance reading without physical contact and can even read multiple tags simultaneously. This is particularly important for large-scale farms, where it significantly increases work efficiency and saves labor and time costs. Working Principle of RFID Electronic Ear Tags An RFID system mainly consists of three parts: RFID tags (electronic ear tags), readers, and a data management system. RFID electronic ear tags typically contain a small RFID chip and antenna, and once attached to livestock, the ear tag communicates with the reader via radio waves. The working process is as follows: Tag Activation: When livestock wearing RFID electronic ear tags enter the range of a reader, the reader emits electromagnetic waves to activate the antenna in the ear tag’s chip, which then starts functioning. Information Transmission: Once the tag is activated, it sends the information stored ...

September 10, 2024
The Advantages and Applications of RFID Technology in Animal Husbandry
The Advantages and Applications of RFID Technology in Animal Husbandry

With the continuous development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and information technology, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has found widespread use in various industries, particularly in animal husbandry. RFID offers significant advantages in improving productivity, optimizing management, and ensuring animal health. By using non-contact methods for information collection and management, RFID introduces a new model of management and opportunities for growth in animal husbandry. This article explores the benefits of RFID technology in animal husbandry, with real-world examples of its application. 1. Animal Identification and Tracking One of the most direct applications of RFID technology in animal husbandry is animal identification and tracking. By attaching RFID tags to each animal’s ear, farmers can create a unique digital record for each animal. The RFID tag contains key information such as the animal’s birth date, breed, health status, and vaccination records. This information can be accessed through RFID readers at any time without disturbing the animal, making management more convenient for farmers. For example, in cattle and sheep farms, RFID technology helps farmers manage the growth of each animal precisely. When animals eat, drink, or undergo medical check-ups, RFID readers automatically collect relevant data, recording their activity and health status. This allows farmers to effectively monitor their growth, ensure their well-being, and make more targeted management decisions. 2. Disease Prevention and Health Management RFID technology also plays a major role in managing livestock health. With large herds, it is difficult to manually track the health status of each animal. Through an RFID system, farmers can monitor real-time health data for each animal, enabling more accurate disease prevention and diagnosis. In pig farms, for instance, RFID tags embedded in each pig’s ear can track its feeding habits, temperature changes, and other health indicators in real time. If a pig shows abnormal behavior, such as a decrease in food intake or a rise in body temperature, the RFID system can automatically trigger an alert, prompting the farmer to take necessary action. This real-time monitoring helps detect diseases early, prevent outbreaks, reduce veterinary costs, and improve overall farm health management. 3. Automated Feeding and Management RFID technology brings a high level of automation to livestock farming. In the feeding process, RFID can not only record and track animal data but also work in conjunction with automated feeding systems to achieve precise feeding. For example, after identifying an animal through RFID, an automated feeding system can dispense the appropriate amount of feed based on the specific needs of each animal, ensuring accurate feed distribution and minimizing waste. In dairy farms, RFID technology is widely used alongside automated milking systems. When a cow enters the milking area, the RFID tag aut...

August 31, 2024
Smart Food: How RFID is Revolutionizing the Industry
Smart Food: How RFID is Revolutionizing the Industry

With the development of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology has been widely applied in various industries, especially in the food sector. RFID technology uses wireless radio frequency signals to identify and track items, offering effective solutions for food safety, inventory management, and supply chain optimization. This article explores the applications of RFID in the food industry and the practical benefits it brings. 1. Food Safety Traceability Food safety has always been a major global concern, and ensuring the safety of food across production, transportation, and sales stages is a significant challenge. RFID technology provides strong support for food safety traceability. RFID tags can be attached to every food package, recording essential information such as the origin, processing time, and transportation details. If a food safety issue arises, regulators can quickly trace the source, distribution, and flow of the problematic food through RFID scanning, enabling swift corrective action. For example, in the dairy industry, RFID technology is used to track milk from the farm to the supermarket. Each bottle of milk is tagged with RFID at the time of packaging, recording details like collection time, storage temperature, and logistics information. If a consumer raises concerns or a safety issue occurs, suppliers can quickly locate the source of the problematic batch of milk using the RFID system, preventing further distribution. This not only improves the efficiency of food safety regulation but also builds consumer trust in the brand. 2. Enhancing Inventory Management Efficiency Inventory management in the food industry, due to the perishable nature of food and its limited shelf life, requires more precise monitoring and control. Traditional inventory methods often rely on manual counting or barcode scanning, which are time-consuming and error-prone. RFID technology can greatly improve inventory management by boosting both efficiency and accuracy. For example, supermarkets and warehouses can use RFID tags on food packaging in combination with RFID readers to quickly and accurately retrieve product inventory and location information. Unlike barcodes, RFID does not require direct scanning of the tag and can identify multiple items simultaneously, significantly reducing the time needed for stock-taking. Additionally, RFID tags can track expiration dates in real-time, alerting managers to soon-to-expire products and helping avoid food waste and financial losses due to mismanagement. In cold chain logistics, RFID also plays a critical role. Cold chain transport requires strict temperature control, and RFID tags can record food transport temperatures. By integrating with IoT technology, RFID enables real-time monitoring of food during the entire transportation process, ensuring that food is stored and transported under optimal conditions. 3. Optimi...

August 30, 2024

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